2nd September, 2018

Tandridge – The Local Plan 2033 Reg.19 Consultation Response

By Nicholas White
Councillor Nicholas White

Councillor Nicholas White

I would request that, if possible, every person in each household should write an email to Tandridge objecting to their proposed Local Plan 2033 as what is being proposed is not Sound as it will fail the Tests of Soundness due to being not Justified, Effective, Positively prepared or Consistent with National Policy.

The Government Inspector has to be sent all details of the Plan plus all comments received from the public regarding the Regulation 19 Consultation, previous comments on earlier consultations will not be sent.

The email address is:

You should start your email by stating “I believe the Local Plan is Unsound because……..”

The Main Points

  1. Dormansland Local Plan

    Click on "Our Open Plan" Picture To Open The Document For More Details

    It is recognised that there is a requirement for more housing, especially affordable homes but the Council cannot guarantee that these will be provided. They state in the Local Plan policy SGC01, the appropriate level of affordable homes will be in the Area Action Plan not SGC01 In total the Council plans to build 6100 houses by 2033. The Plan is Unsound.

  2. The proposed Garden Village/Community at South Godstone of some 4000 houses (by 2033 1400 houses) will impact upon Dormansland by putting more pressure on Infrastructure as the Council cannot guarantee that a new Surgery, 3 schools will be built or that Surrey Highways or National Highways will improve the A22 or build a new improved junction at Junction 6 on the M25, these as yet have not been fully costed. The Plan is Unsound.
  3. Network Rail have no plans to upgrade South Godstone Railway Station although the Council say they have put money aside for an upgrade but they cannot fulfil that promise. Pressure will therefore be put on Dormans, Lingfield and Hurst Green stations. The Plan is Unsound.
  4. The Council has failed to be able to demonstrate the ‘exceptional circumstances’ needed to justify releasing the large amount of Green Belt land that would be required to meet the added houses in addition to the 1,400 houses in South Godstone. The Council has on numerous occasions stated in their own Preferred Strategy of retaining the Green Belt where it serves its purpose as this land amply fulfils its purposes of checking sprawl, separating communities and preserving the countryside. Dormansland is in Tier 3 and Dormans Park Tier 4 but could be required to have additional houses provided they remained in character to the existing surroundings. The Plan is Unsound and is not Consistent with National Policy

Your response must be submitted no later than 5pm on Monday 10th September.