Councillor Nicholas White
I would like to thank everyone in Dormansland and Felcourt who voted for me last Thursday 3rd May 2018. The count was incredibly close and tense but I managed to be declared the winner with a majority of 12 votes. I would like also to thank Maureen Young for such a close contest.
I was very pleased to have been able to meet so many of you whilst I was canvassing and knocking on doors. I managed to visit 99% of all the houses in the Ward but quite a few of you were out at the time especially during the daytime. The visits also gave me a better understanding and vision of what a lovely and varied Ward in which we live. I was particularly interested to hear of your various concerns and worries within the District. I will now endeavour, as your District Councillor to work with you, and on your behalf.
It is also very encouraging to see that we now have 9 Independent Councillors within the Tandridge Council. A meeting has been arranged to discuss our overall plan of action, so that we can work together as a cohesive group.